22 June 2024

Marketing Consultancy vs the Benefits of a Fractional CMO

Peter Ivanoff
Written by Peter Ivanoff

Peter is a part-time marketing director with The Marketing Centre. He is a qualified Chartered Marketer and registered practitioner with MASA, IMM and EMC. He has extensive experience in both B2B and B2C markets, including agency, design, luxury goods & services, property and professional manufacturing services arenas. International experience – working with clients across a variety of languages and cultures.

Selling ice cream on the beach in the summer is easy. Raising people’s expectations, engaging in their hopes and dreams, helping them see further—that’s the difficult work we signed up for.’ - Seth Godin, This is Marketing

When Seth Godin says ‘we’, he means the strategic thinkers; the growth drivers; the experienced marketers. However, for many businesses, ‘we’ are hard to find.

During the post-pandemic boom, the demand for experienced marketing professionals grew, turning skilled marketers into what Marketing Week describes as 'gold dust.' This in turn has led to rising salary demands that many businesses find unsustainable. So, what solutions are there for busy business owners looking to achieve growth and results? 

While junior marketers and agencies are great at executing plans, they require strategic direction, which you do not have the time or resources to provide. You need someone with the experience to lead your marketing. With top-tier marketing director talent elusive and unaffordable, turning to marketing consultancy is an option, however their role typically ends after planning, leaving implementation to your team. What now?

Enter the Fractional CMO: a seasoned C-suite Marketing Director who embeds themselves into your business, working part-time but with full-time dedication. They don’t just consult; they lead, plan, execute, and measure your marketing efforts, transforming marketing into a key driver of business growth. 

Incorporating a Fractional Chief Marketing Officer into your team ensures that your marketing strategies are directly aligned with your business objectives, all at a fraction of the cost of employing a full-time in-house CMO.

Discover more about how our Fractional CMO services can drive real business growth.

The Fractional Marketing Director: the more impactful alternative to a marketing consultancy.

Working with The Marketing Centre has definitely transformed our business. The added value that they are giving me is way above the marketing director I could afford to have.’ - Mark Radley, Managing Director - The Marketing Centre client

An experienced fractional marketing director will take the lead on your marketing strategy and strategic positioning. They will also get involved in the implementation. This gives you cost-effective, scalable access to real marketing expertise, value, and talent.

At The Marketing Centre, our Fractional CMOs are proven leaders with track records of delivering impactful results. Over the past decade, we've empowered over 1400 businesses to drive measurable growth and ROI.

Ready to revolutionise your marketing approach and transform your business?
Discover how a Fractional CMO can revolutionise your marketing and business outcomes or get in touch to get started.

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